General payment terms, Posten Norge AS

General payment terms, Posten Norge AS

The conditions apply to corporate customers who have been granted credit in order to purchase goods and services from Posten Norge AS (Posten) and companies in the Posten-group (Bring). 

Credit limit

Posten and Bring uses continuous credit risk monitoring. Credit limits may be altered according to changes in credit- rating or score without further notice.

The credit granted is allocated to a customer number corresponding to a specific organization number (Company ID). Departments may also have their own customer number registered under the same organisation number. The Customer is responsible for all purchases made using the allocated customer numbers. The customer number must be stated on orders when they are submitted. For logistics services, address cards with a bar code or labels with a customer number are to be used when EDI solutions are used. Should there be a need for a reference on the invoice, it is the Customer’s responsibility to state this on the order that is submitted. Should other companies within the Customer’s group use the agreement, Posten and Bring will demand payment from the party to this agreement. 

Payment deadline

Our general payment deadline is 10 days from invoice date in the Nordic countries and 14 days from invoice date for countries outside the Nordic region. Assignments are to be paid in accordance with the invoice due date. In the event of late payment, interest and other costs accrue in accordance with
the applicable Norwegian law on interest in the event of late payment: “Lov om renter ved forsinket betaling.”

In the event of payment deafult, credit may be stopped without prior notice. In such cases, the entire receivable is considered overdue. Further delivery takes place against cash payment or security in accordance with the Posten- og Bring companies' requirements.

Objections to the invoice must be raised in writing to Posten or Bring within 10 days after the receipt of the invoice. Complaints must be sent to the division of Posten or Bring that has supplied the service or product. The Norwegian Sale of Goods Act’s rules governing complaints apply. Complaints only entitle the Customer to withhold that part of the invoice amount that has been complained about. Posten and Bring is entitled to set off any amount owed to it against claims that the Customer has against Posten and Bring. General payment terms apply to all customers, unless they have a written agreement to the contrary.


In case of any fundamental breach, Posten and Bring may stop providing credit with immediate effect. Payment default is considered a fundamental breach. When credit is stopped, the customer number will be blocked in the production systems. Credit will not be reactivated automatically when the outstanding amount has been paid. 

Mergers and Organisational Changes

The customer number cannot be transferred to the acquiring company in the case of a merger since the customer number is electronically linked to the Customer’s organisation number and name in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. The Customer itself must inform Posten and Bring of a merger so that a new customer can be established in Posten and Bring’s customer system and agreements can be entered into with the acquiring company. Consequently, the conditions stated in this document cannot be transferred to another company within the same group. Contact Posten Norge AS Credit dept.  for more information should such a need arise. 


Should any disagreement arise relating to purchases from Posten and Bring, attempts shall first be made to resolve the dispute through negotiations. Should negotiations fail to succeed within 30 days, either of the parties may seek to have the dispute resolved by the ordinary courts unless the parties agree that the dispute is to be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the Norwegian Arbitration Act, cf Act no. 25 of 2004. Oslo District Court is the proper legal venue.

Withdrawal of credit

Credit will be automatically withdrawn if a Customer has not been invoiced for services/products for a period of 18 months. For a renewal of credit, our contact info is: 

Posten Norge AS, Customer Credit, phone nbr +47 810 24 300 or e-mail