Terms and conditions franking machine

Terms and conditions franking machine

1. Approved franking machines

1.1. Only franking machines that are approved and certified by Bring may be used. Please see the list of authorized dealers at the bottom of this page.

1.2. In the event of non-compliance with the terms and conditions, Bring may retract the license to use the franking machine.

1.3. Franking machines that are set up with statistical functionality shall regularly transmit statistics electronically to the data centre to which the machine is connected. Statistics shall be transmitted in the period of time which the machine is programmed for.

2. Licence to use franking machines

2.1. The franking machine dealer needs to apply for a licence to use a franking machine on the customers' behalf.

When the application for use of the franking machine has been approved, the customer will receive all necessary information about payments and how to fill up the franking machine with postage.

Transferring a franking machine from one owner to another can only be done through an authorized dealer.

2.2. If the licence holder goes bankrupt or voluntary arrangement proceedings has commenced, Bring must be notified so that the franking machine can be taken out of operation.

If a debt settlement committee/trustee in bankruptcy wishes to use the franking machine after bankruptcy/voluntary arrangement proceedings have commenced, a new agreement must be entered into with Bring.

Bring retains the right to offset the customer's debt with claims that Bring has against the customer.

3. Payment

3.1. The franking machine is set up with a postage counter which registers your postage usage. A charging amount (an even amount) should be paid to Bring. The payment must always be made by using a KID number identifying the customer.

Express credit payments can be used when you are in urgent need of filling up the franking machine with postage. Call Customer service on 04045 for express credit payments.

When express credit payments are made, you will receive an invoice, which includes a fee currently set at NOK 500.
The KID number on the invoice should always be stated when payments are made. Please note that the KID number is a unique KID number only to be used on your franking machine payments.

3.2. Express credit payment invoices are to be paid for in accordance with the due date on the invoice. In the case of any delay in payment, interest on overdue payments is calculated in accordance with the Norwegian Act relating to interest on overdue payments. Bring charges a standard reminder fee for reminders/debt-collection notices. In the case of any fundamental default in payment, any invoices that have not yet fallen due are counted as having fallen due and may be collected together with claims that have fallen due.

4. Franking impression

4.1. The franking impression should be placed in the top right corner of the envelope.
The postage value and the date must be clearly visible.
If necessary, multiple franking impressions can be placed side by side with a small gap in between.

4.2. If the customer would like the company name, trademarks or advertising in connection with the franking impression, this must be placed to the left of the date stamp. It is not allowed to use the space between the date stamp and the postage value for this purpose.

4.3. The franking impression should be red or blue. The colours for the company name/advertising print are optional. Mail for abroad must clearly be marked with “Priority” to the left of the franking impression.

4.4. For labels and envelope layouts for letters, please see general labelling rules at bring.no.

4.5. The identity number of the franking machine should be specified in the actual impression.

4.6. Franking impressions that are cut out cannot be reused as postage. Labels with a franking impression can however be used.

5. Handing in mail

5.1. Letters franked with a franking machine can be mailed in the nearest post box or at your local Post office or Post in Shop.

5.2. Items that are franked on behalf of others shall bear the original sender’s name and postal address.

5.3. Underpaid postage will be charged the owner of the machine unless the item bears other information regarding payment of postage.

5.4. When more than 500 items of mail are handed in, the following criteria apply:
a) All items should be handed in in a tray
b) All letters in the tray should have the same format
c) Small letter must be placed upright facing the same direction
d) Large letters should lie flat with the address facing up

6. Incorrect franking - refund

6.1. It is possible to apply for a refund for unused postage for envelopes, incorrectly-franked envelopes and for unused/unusable franking impressions.

6.2. The conditions for a refund are:

  • The franking impressions must not be older than five working days
  • Both the date and the postage value must be legible
  • The franking impression must not be cut/torn from the packaging (the envelope)

An application for a refund should be made on form 70.003.00, and signed by the customer or a procurator. The envelopes/impressions should be enclosed the application form. If you prefer to have the amount transferred to the franking machine, please state this on the form.

6.3. The refund form should be sent to our customer service:
Bring Kundeservice
PO Box 133
1701 Sarpsborg

A fee of NOK 147.00 is payable for each exchange. 

7. Loaned machines

7.1 Franking machine dealers can provide machines on loan. This is an agreement between the dealer and the customer, and should include how payment of used postage is settled.

8. Franking machines taken out of use

8.1. When a franking machine is taken out of use, the customer must notify the franking machine dealer. If any defect is found, or it is obvious that a defect could have affected the registration of postage, the machine should be sent to the main dealer for a check.

8.2. If there are unused franking funds on the machine, a refund will be made to the customer. The refund can also be transferred to a new franking machine.

Name of dealer Telephone number E-mail
Quadient AS
PO Box 134 Furuset
1001 OSLO
+47 22 90 14 00
Postrom Maskiner AS
PO Box 44 Haugenstua
0915 OSLO
+47 23 33 88 33 info@postrom.no
Azolver Norge AS
PO Box 100 Kalbakken
0902 OSLO
+47 23 33 93 00 kundesenter.no@azolver.com